Revolutionary workforce management app 'ALBAM'



Winner, KDB(Korea Development Bank) Startup demoday 2014


Founded, Bluenight Corp.

Pre-Series A: BonAngels Partners, $0.4M, March 2015

Certificate of Venture Business

App of the month, Korea Mobile Award 2015

Finalist, B Dash Camp Kyoto 2015


Series A: Capstone Partners /  Kolon investment etc., $1.6M,November 2016


Used by 11,000+ businesses in 10 countries 


Blue Night Corp. was incorporated in January 2015 with launching Albam service. Been innovating the HR management and payroll industry via digital technology and mobile platform, now we are providing “Albam Timesheet” and “Albam Payroll Automator” service. Currently, we are working with over 10,000 domestic and international businesses such as influential franchises and fashion retail brands.


<Easy and Reliable Timesheet>

1. No Buddy punching

: Employees can clock in the applied workplace only.


2. BLE Beacon

: Beacon sends out a Bluetooth signal to the area within 5 to 10 meters! It makes the employees only clock in a designated place.


3. Track the schedule & timesheets with ease

: Check the work schedule and timesheets’ of all the employees at a glance

: Managers get real-time push notifications.

: Counting the number of tardiness of each employee based on the schedule and timesheets. 

<The Best Payroll for Small Business: 

Albam Payroll Automator (including taxes)>

1. Estimated expenses of this month

: Fully automated payroll processing including taxes. We estimate the monthly labor cost so that the owner can manage cash flow of the store.

2. Estimated payroll for Emma

: The salary is calculated including extra pay.

3. Web service & Excel report

: Web service is also offered along with the excel report (except for free version)

4. Workforce Management

: Providing monthly employee turnover rates by store.

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